Wednesday, January 23, 2008


OK... so let's suppose that your best friend is feeling a little cranky with all the lovey-dovey talk of Valentines, because she just broke up with her boyfriend. What are you going to do to cheer her up? Pink Kitty has the answer... my exclusive line of "break-up cards"! They are just the thing to help mend broken hearts, or at least bring a smile to the face of those not so into the whole "valentine" thing.
There are three different designs available:

"boys are stupid" features elegant floral paper with "Boys are Stupid" in fancy script attached with little black brads. This one is sure to bring a smile to her face!

"You have to kiss a lot of frogs..." We all know how the saying goes... so after your friend has broken up with the latest frog, this card is sure to cheer her up! It is adorned with white and lilac ribbons and a cute little plastic frog!

"broken heart" This is a simple design featuring a paper heart torn in half and repaired with a real band-aid. It is backed with deep purple paper and adorned with antiqued brads. Perfect for males or females... anyone who has suffered a broken heart.

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