Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Nekkid Girl

Untitled Nude 2... 8x10, acrylic on canvas board. Available in my Etsy Shop.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Irons in the fire....

How many projects can one girl have going at the same time? TOO MANY, if you happen to be this girl. I really do have a horrible habit of starting new projects before old projects are finished. On the plus side, I've always got something handy to work on... on the down side, some projects get lost in the shuffle, AND it's hard for me to keep my stuff organized when I've got so many things things going at once. At the moment, my works-in-progress are: A halter top for my daughter, two sweaters, a bag that will be for ME :), a painting which is about half-done and will be a companion piece to one I've already finished. Add to that the projects which are in the planning stages but not actually really started... the ski mask my son wants me to make, the sketches I've started for new paintings , the collage series that's in my head but not on paper yet, The blue jean bags I'm going to make with the stack of old jeans I have... I could go on and on. Sometimes my brain goes into creative overdrive, but there simply aren't enough hours in the day to make all the things I'd like to make. Wait... why am I typing here? I've got knitting/painting/cutting/drawing/sewing to do!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Still more Renegade Stitches!

So... these past few weeks I've been finishing up a bunch of started-then-abandoned projects from my yarn basket. This has been a very good thing, for a few different reasons! One... it feels really good to finish things. I just get depressed and feel like a failure when I see abandoned projects lying about. I do have a bad habit of starting things and not finishing them! Two... lots of new things to list in my shop... Three... finishing up projects and using up yarn means I get to go YARN SHOPPING! I love yarn shopping! In a couple of weeks I will be making a pilgrimage to my favorite Big Yarn Store, where I will be taking advantage of their Big Summer Sale as well as taking a class to brush up on some knitting techniques. I'm hoping for a few sales before then, so I can justify buying more :)

So speaking of those recently completed projects.... here is my latest one, just finished this weekend and just listed this morning!
It's a sassy, skinny, 7 1/2 foot-long fashion scarf made from smoky-colored ribbon yarn, and can be worn a number of different ways. It is sexy, and it is available right now, in my Renegade Stitches Etsy Shop!

PS... I should also mention that I also have a favorite Small Yarn Store, and if you're in the greater Boston area you should stop in and pay Kim a visit. Tell her Jenney sent you, and buy lots of yarn from her :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Listings are UP!

Fresh and new in my Renegade Stitches shop! Each of my handmade garments and accessories is one-of-a-kind... completely original... just like you! Here is a sneak peek at what's new...

For more, check out my Renegade Stitches shop... there is something for everyone and every mood... from my whimsical "Button Button" collection to my sophisticated Luxe Collection. All as unique as you are.